Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on War On Drugs

The â€Å"War on Drugs† in the United States, is a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Taxpayers in the United States are paying billions of more money on the war on drugs then, we are for the war in Iraq, far more causalities from the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq and hundreds of more prisoners in the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq. Since the war on drugs began, arrests went up 50% however; the number of users and the supply of drugs stayed the same. President Bush even wanted to spend more money on the war on drugs. Even though, most cities and states can translate back to spending three quarters of their budget on the war on drugs alone. While, our society can still purchase drugs easier then, buying a bottle of alcohol or a pack of cigarettes, it is hurting our society. If we can’t keep drugs out of our prisons then, how can we keep them off our streets? There has to be a better way to fight the war on drugs because we have to fac e it, it is a failure. Incarcerating more and more people for longer and longer amounts of time for drug offences is ridiculous: all we are doing is building more prisoners. We are not reducing the amount of drugs in our country. What is this solving? Nothing. In order to make the war on drugs work, we need to come up with new polices and not keep using the same polices that had failed over and over again. The war on drugs causes a lot of problems including violence in the United States. People don’t understand our drug polices, have a direct relationship to crime. The problem is there can be very large profits made in transporting drugs. People who want to make large profits of money violate our drug laws. This will then make a lot of people who want to make a lot of money violate our drug laws. The transporting and selling of drugs generate into violent crime. Most drug dealers use some sort of intimidation and violence when selling drugs. Violence occurs wh... Free Essays on War On Drugs Free Essays on War On Drugs The â€Å"War on Drugs† in the United States, is a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Taxpayers in the United States are paying billions of more money on the war on drugs then, we are for the war in Iraq, far more causalities from the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq and hundreds of more prisoners in the war on drugs then in the war in Iraq. Since the war on drugs began, arrests went up 50% however; the number of users and the supply of drugs stayed the same. President Bush even wanted to spend more money on the war on drugs. Even though, most cities and states can translate back to spending three quarters of their budget on the war on drugs alone. While, our society can still purchase drugs easier then, buying a bottle of alcohol or a pack of cigarettes, it is hurting our society. If we can’t keep drugs out of our prisons then, how can we keep them off our streets? There has to be a better way to fight the war on drugs because we have to fac e it, it is a failure. Incarcerating more and more people for longer and longer amounts of time for drug offences is ridiculous: all we are doing is building more prisoners. We are not reducing the amount of drugs in our country. What is this solving? Nothing. In order to make the war on drugs work, we need to come up with new polices and not keep using the same polices that had failed over and over again. The war on drugs causes a lot of problems including violence in the United States. People don’t understand our drug polices, have a direct relationship to crime. The problem is there can be very large profits made in transporting drugs. People who want to make large profits of money violate our drug laws. This will then make a lot of people who want to make a lot of money violate our drug laws. The transporting and selling of drugs generate into violent crime. Most drug dealers use some sort of intimidation and violence when selling drugs. Violence occurs wh... Free Essays on War On Drugs Americas War on Drugs Today’s Drug laws seem to do more harm than good. The so-called drug war hasn’t seemed to be as effective as it was intended to be. Its original intent lies in its name, to attack the drug problem in America. Nixon started the war on drugs in the late sixties to stop drug abuse at the source, the distributors. Another intention for the war on drugs was to show individuals taking part in this illegal activity that their participation would cause serious consequences. The government has taken drastic measures to keep drugs out of our nations streets, from attacking the frontline in The Columbian drug fields, to making numerous drug busts in urban cities across the United States. However, these harsh but well- intentioned laws have been accused of infringing on America’s freedom. Some believe the people have a natural right to use drugs if the perfectly well chose to do so. Although the war on drugs has been going on for many years, drugs still remain a big problem in the lives of many Americans. Drug offenders as well as abusers are being punished with extreme penalties. Innocent people are suffering because of this. And finally, all the tax dollars going into this war seems to be in vain because its not progressing like it should. The American Government saw that drugs were repressing its citizens, which made them spring into action. The Government wanted to do whatever it took to rid its streets from drugs and crime, which in time the War on Drugs was created. Nixon launched programs with efforts to crackdown on illegal drug use. He created the Office of Drug Abuse and Law Enforcement (ODALE) and the Office of National Narcotics Intelligence (ONNI). In 1973, he also initiated Reorganization Plan No. 2, which changed the BNDD into the Drug Enforcement Administration. The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 created five schedules that categorized drugs accor... Free Essays on War On Drugs The War on Drugs For years the â€Å"War on Drugs† has been one of America’s greatest follies. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to enforce drug laws on Americans with no great change in use. This is the wrong way to handle such a problem. Let’s compare drugs to roaches. You cannot possibly exterminate all of the roaches in your house by stomping on every roach that you see. Some roaches never come out in the light and some are eggs yet to hatch, these pests will never be caught even with the most watchful eye. You need to get an exterminator to come and spray the house and probably the outside of the house too, to keep them from coming back. To stop heroin and cocaine from being used in America, we must first eliminate its source. The â€Å"War on Drugs† is not a war against Americans, it’s a war against drugs. The problem is that some Americans use drugs. How can we stop this? There needs to be a multi-national policy instilled to control the production of drug crops. If you leave cookies on the counter over night you’re going to develop an infestation, and if you leave opiates to be produced all through Asia and cocaine to be grown in South America . . . Americans will get a hold of it. The world needs to get together and decide which â€Å"drugs† are worth prohibiting, it also needs to decide which uses are tolerable. Marijuana, for example, is not even considered a drug in many countries and appears to have many medical uses. Morphine and other opiates are used in hospitals around the world and saves people a great deal of pain. Codeine and Lidocaine, cocaine’s little brothers, are often prescribed for pain dealing with dental work. The UN would serve us well to figure out which drugs have the potential to be used in medicines. One way of looking at the drug problem would be from the punishment angle. The UN could decide to impose strict fines on countries found to be cultivating and e...

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